Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Kids Earn Money Taking Pet Pictures

My oldest daughter and her best friend have been working to earn extra money. These two kids have earned money selling lemonade and toys at a yard sale. They have their minds set on starting a rock band and are raising money to by instruments.

Today these kids decided to try something different to earn money. They decided to go into the "pet photography" business. I’m not sure how they came up with this idea to make money but it sounds like it should work.

After the kids came up with this money making idea, I asked them how much they would charge for the pictures. My daughter said she though $2.00 would be a good price. When I asked her how she came up with that price she said she just made it up.

Teaching Kids A Lesson In Earning Money
This opened the door for a business lesson. I asked the two what it would cost to get the pictures printed. They didn’t know. I asked what size pictures they would sell – they weren’t sure. I asked them how they could find out and they said call Walmart (good ol’ Walmart).

So after they called and got the prices. They realized if they were going to make money they would have to charge more than $2.00 a picture. They raised the price to $8.00 for a large picture.

Right now the two of them are making small "business cards" on 3 x 5 cards. I have volunteered to walk with them around the neighborhood so that they can sell their service. They wanted me to walk to the doors with them. I told them that they were the ones that wanted to earn extra money so I was just walking with them for safety. They said that that was fair.

Well they are ready to go so I am going to end this post. I will post the results of this adventure with the kids making money. It sounds like a good way for kids to make extra money. I am curious to see how it goes

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Teaching Kids To Save The Money They Earn

Teaching your kids how to earn money is important. Equally important is teaching them respect for money. This respect includes learning how to save money. The habits that are developed early in a child's life are important as they pave the road for future behavioral patterns.

In a time where most Americans are in debt and bankruptcy filings are at a record high, you can give your child and teens an advantage by teaching them how to save. By starting young and saving consistently, a child can save a substantial sum of money for college by the time they are in their teens.

The following article addresses how to teach your kids to save money. Feel free to add your comments and experiences.

Saving Money: Tips on How to Teach Your Kids to Save Money
By: Nicholas Tan

A lot of teens nowadays do not understand the value of earning and spending money. They were not oriented that investing is necessary even if they are still students. As parents, you play a crucial role in this area.

You should be able to teach your kids on how to save money. They should be able to understand the concept of money and investment as early as childhood. This will prepare them to learn money management, as they grow old.

Here are some tips on how you can teach your children how to save money:

1. Your children should be educated of the meaning of money. Once your children have learned how to count, that is the perfect time for you teach them the real meaning of money. You should be consistent and explain to them in simple ways and do this frequently so that they may be able to remember what you taught them.

2. Always explain to them the value of saving money. Make them understand its importance and how it will impact their life. It is important that you entertain questions from them about money and you should be able to answer them right away.

3. When giving them their allowances. You need to give them their allowances in denominations. Then you can encourage them that they should keep a certain bill for the future. You can motivate them to do this by telling them that the money can be saved and they can buy new pair of shoes or the toys they want once they are able to save.

4. You can also teach them to work for money. You can start this at your own home. You can pay them fifty cents to one dollar every time they clean their rooms, do the dishes or feed their pets. This concept of earning little money will make them think that money is something they have worked for and should be spent wisely.

5. You can teach them to save money by giving them piggy banks where they can put coins and wait until they get full. You can also open bank accounts for them and let them deposit money from their allowance. You should always show them how much they have earned to keep them motivated.

Money and saving is not something that is learned by children in one sitting. You should be patient in teaching them and relating the value of money in all of their activities. Children will learn this easily if you are patient and consistent in guiding them and encouraging them in this endeavor.

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Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Friday, April 18, 2008

Its a Yard Sale Weekend

Earning Money and Keeping It - Lessons From a Yard Sale

The weather is beautiful. Warm weather is here and I am ready. Ready to have a yard sale. I have been cleaning the basement, garage, attic and all points in between over the past few weeks - decluttering my life. (The motivation comes when you are planning a move and selling your house.)

My daughter noticed the stack of boxes in the basement and when I told her I was getting ready for a yard sale. She asked if she could sell items to raise money for her band. Her and her friend are saving to buy guitars and drums for a band they started. They plan on being bigger than Hanna Montana. I wish them the best and told them they could practice at her friends house anytime.

Anyway....A yard sale is a great way for you and your kids to earn some extra money while decluttering your house and life. Change your stuff - change your life as the saying goes. My daughters have been busy all week going through their old toys looking for ones that they have out grown or don't use. They will sell them to earn money at the yard sale.

An interesting thing happened when they were collecting toys to sell. They both found toys that were almost brand new. Toys that had looked so great on TV ads that they had to have them. Toys that screamed "buy me" from the WalMart shelf that they just had to have.

As the girls piled these almost new toys into boxes to sell the oldest, Beth, remarked that she didn't know why she had bought a certain toy. She said it had looked so good on TV but in reality was nothing great. Her younger sister, Sarah, said it was because it didn't really talk like the TV showed. Beth agreed and commented that she wished that she had just saved her money instead of buying a toy that she never used.

Sometimes life just presents the perfect time to make a point and this was one of them. Seizing the moment I told them that we all fall victim to our emotions from time to time and buy things that we don't really need. The best way around this is to make sure that you plan your spending.

It takes patience to wait to see if the toy that your have to have is going to be that important tomorrow. Sometimes it is a good idea to wait a week to see if you really want it before you buy it. As they looked at their toys they both agreed that they wish that had not spent money on certain toys.

I hope that the message got through. I would like to see my girls develop into thrifty savers and spenders. Kids and teens that don't fall victim to flashy advertisements and peer pressure. Adults that are able to delay gratification.

As we put price tags on items I knew that my girls had learned a lesson on saving money. What I didn't realize was that this dad was about to learn a lesson from Betty Crocker when the oldest said with excitement, "Dad, we could sell cookies and lemonade at the yard sale to earn extra money! Can we dad!??"....


The cookies turned out great. The girls made some extra money and I gained valuable cooking skills!

Six Unusual Ways For Kids To Make Money

Six Ways For Kids To Make Money
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Steven_Gillman]Steven Gillman

Most of us know the usual ways for kids to make money, which include lemonade stands, newspaper routes and mowing lawns. However, there are more unusual ways. Some of the ways listed below are from my own childhood, when I was always looking for another way to make money.

1. Be a chef. At about eleven years old, I used to sell meals to my brothers (I had four of them). I got 25 cents for scrambled eggs or a sandwich, and more for more complicated meals. My brothers preferred to stay in front of the TV and let me cook for them. Since the food was already provided by my parents, the income was pure profit.

2. Computer whiz-kid service. Many young kids know a lot about computers. My nephew was getting paid for programming by the the time he was fourteen, but even younger kids can show old folks how to use a computer and the internet for a fee. Learn a few more skills, and they can even set up computers for new owners who are using them for the first time. Letting grandparents spread the word would be a good marketing ploy.

3. Household carnival. I charged my brothers five cents for a wadded up piece of paper selected from a bucket full of them. Most had a penny or two inside them, but a few had a quarter. It was just one of my "carnival" events. I also had them throwing pennies at a bowl across the room, which I kept, of course. If a penny stayed in the bowl they won a dime. I'm almost embarrassed to say how much of their hard-earned paper route money I took from them.

4. Collect returnables. We collected and returned cans and bottles for a deposit as kids. Now that more states have return laws, it's an even better way to make a little cash. During the Cherry Festival, when I lived in Traverse City, Michigan, adults came to town just to collect the cans that people threw all over. With a 10 cent deposit, they were collecting more than $100 worth per day according to several of them. If the kids wear gloves, leave broken cans and bottles alone, and use hand sanitizer, this is a safe way to make money.

5. Personal services menu. If there are many people in the family, a great way for kids to make money is to sell their services. They can make a menu of things they'll do and how much they charge for each. It might include washing windows for 50 cents each, for example, and maybe $1.50 to walk a dog. If the list is copied, it could be handed out to all relatives and possibly neighbors too.

6. Rummage sales and flea markets. If parents agree, kids can have rummage sales, selling not just household things, but arts and crafts and refreshments too. Parents might even take their kids to a flea market to set up a stand. I sold (as an adult) more than $1,000 of hand-made walking sticks one summer, while my wife sold hundreds of dollars worth in pewter figurines glued to rocks, sea shells and crystals. Cookies and drinks sell well too. It's a great way to learn about business, and a good way for kids to make money.

Steve Gillman has been studying money for thirty years (and sometimes making a little). For interesting and useful information, visit his website, [http://www.unusualwaystomakemoney.com]Unusual Ways To Make Money: http://www.UnusualWaysToMakeMoney.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Gillman http://EzineArticles.com/?Six-Ways-For-Kids-To-Make-Money&id=166919

Creative Ways For Kids To Earn Cash

Creative Ways for Teens and Pre-Teens to Earn Money
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Elle_McGugan]Elle McGugan

Creativity and an open mind are essential for young teenagers who want to find ways to earn money. The world is a different place now than it was even a generation ago. With the changes have come some unfortunate limitations, but thankfully many new and exciting opportunities that never existed before.

*On line auctions can be launched by children as young as ten years old with a talent for writing simple poetry or short stories. The auction description can offer an original poem based on the buyer's choice of listed subject matter. By running multiple auctions consecutively, even if each poem only brings a few dollars, this could add up fairly quickly. Be sure to let the bidders know the age of the writer. Otherwise, they may expect a different level of experience than what the young poet has to offer.

*With children learning to type earlier than ever, they can offer a service to friends, family members or neighbors to transform favorite recipes into a personalized recipe book. With the availability of printing and binding services in most towns, any young teenager could easily produce a professionally crafted and personalized recipe book for their clients. If genuinely done correctly, the buyer may wish to purchase additional copies as a unique and personalized way of passing on family recipes to relatives.

*Young teenagers should also contact their newspapers and other local publications to request consideration as a book reviewer for young readers. As a book reviewer, the teen would choose a newly released book, read it and write a review that would be published in the family section of the publication. One advantage to this idea is that one review could potentially be published in more than one paper, thereby generating multiple paychecks for each book read and reviewed.

*For children who live in a golf course community, collecting and reselling lost golf balls can be very lucrative. Many of these communities have weekly, monthly, or online publications that will allow the child to place an advertisement to sell these gently used golf balls. Goodness knows there is usually an endless supply of them on the courses.

*Although perhaps not as glamorous or fun, many families with young children and pets want their backyard kept free of animal "presents." As busy as moms and dads typically are, many would gladly pay a youngster a small price to poop scoop their yard so their children have a safe, healthy place to play.

As you can see, opportunities do still exist for children who genuinely want to earn their own spending money. With a little imagination and the courage to take the first step, almost any child can become an entrepreneur.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elle_McGugan http://EzineArticles.com/?Creative-Ways-for-Teens-and-Pre-Teens-to-Earn-Money&id=588598

Ways For Kids To Earn Money

Ways For Kids To Earn Money
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jenny_Ford]Jenny Ford

Thinking of ways for kids to earn money before they are old enough to have a regular job can seem like a challenge.

Years ago, before child labor laws, it was so normal for kids to be working alongside adults that the very thought of looking for ways for kids to make money would have been ridiculous! Sometimes, the money earned by kids kept a family from starvation.

We live in better times now. There is usually plenty to eat, and we expect our kids to focus on their education, not support the family.

However, the school system in the Western world is highly geared to producing good employees. There are real risks if you leave your child's financial education to the so-called "education experts". Remember that the teachers, the inspectors, the administrators, the people who write the curriculum guidelines, and the politicians who make the laws about education are all, themselves, employees. Many of them have never been anything else.

It's up to parents to instill that good old-fashioned value of self-reliance, and encourage kids to get out and make money for themselves.

Kids can do all sorts of things to earn money. The only limit is your imagination.


Baking for busy working mothers

Collecting aluminium cans

Cleaning swimming pools


Letter-box leaflet drops

Running errands

Dog washing

Selling things on eBay

Making jewellery

Making My Space backgrounds


Collecting for charity on commission

Buying bulk candy and selling individual pieces

Entertainers at kids' parties

Exercising horses

Breeding rats (or other pets)

Comic book rental library

Toy rental library

Collecting lost golf balls

Washing cars

... and hundreds more!

Not so long ago, kids didn't need to look for ways to earn money, because 95% or more of the population were self-employed. People worked on their own farms, in retail, or in cottage industries. Kids grew up surrounded by commerce, watching the exchange of valuable services for money, and inhaling the principles of adding value and making a profit with their every breath.

These days, the majority of people depend on someone else's entrepreneurial spirit to generate revenue and pay them a wage directly, or they are indirectly relying on those same business owners because they work for a government funded by taxing the private sector and its employees.

With this shift from enterprise to job-seeking has come a corresponding shift from self-reliance to dependence. We have almost lost the ability to take care of ourselves financially.

Most people are expecting an employer or the government to take care of them when they can no longer work. Or, worse, they aren't even thinking about how they might survive financially beyond this year, this month, or even this week.

Basic entrepreneurship should be part of every child's education. But we can't expect the employees who teach in schools to pass on skills they don't have. As with the other crucial life skills like dental hygiene, eating right, and avoiding poisons, teaching the skills of money and business is very much the parent's responsibility. Help your kids to find ways to earn money, and build their skills for life. [http://www.Cash-Smart-Kids.com/ebooknichegift.html]Free book to download - Finding The Right Niche For Your Cash-Smart Kid
Free email course - Get Started! How To Start A Money-Making Web Site For Your Child

Jenny Ford is an expert in educating children about business and wealth creation. She is one of the founders of [http://www.Cash-Smart-Kids.com]Cash-Smart Kids.
She holds an Honours degree in Psychology, a Diploma in Training and Assessment Systems, and an Advanced Diploma in Business Management. She is the mother of three young entrepreneurs, all of whom started successful businesses when they were nine to twelve years old. [http://hubpages.com/hub/Kids-Money-Hubs-Review]Kids Money Articles Review by Jenny Ford

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenny_Ford http://EzineArticles.com/?Ways-For-Kids-To-Earn-Money&id=959199